“A reference quality amplifier” – InEarSpace
“The CAAS trio is one of the most musically engaging and resolving amplification systems around” – HiFi+
“They reveal so much about each recording that it’s almost uncanny, with depth of image an obvious strength” – The Ear
“Female vocals too have a wonderful appeal with everything sounding just right” – HiFi Pig
“The CAAS equipment operates on a musical level well above that of their price” – HiFi Statement
Elysian Pre-amp II & Elysian 100 Mono-blocks

The Ear
They reveal so much about each recording that it’s almost uncanny, with depth of image an obvious strength alongside the degree of finessing that went into the production. I love the way that these amps can deliver detail with so much ease.
They also image very nicely, delivering precise definition of instruments and voices in space with not the slightest hint of grain or edginess.
It’s also highly transparent to fine detail thanks to very low distortion, I heard things with these amps that my usual and also apparently revealing amplifier failed to unearth. The lack of distortion or noise means that tone is particularly pure.
HiFi Pig
“A better combination than our reference amps”
“I’m particularly drawn to listening to piano and strings on this combo. Female vocals too have a wonderful appeal with everything sounding just right – you know that indefinable thing you get when something just gels and sounds right.”
“What you have again is that sense of rightness, speed and dynamic ability with them dealing with dynamics in a pleasing and exciting way.”
“Soundstaging on all the speakers we used with the CAAS pre/amps was thoroughly rock solid with instruments and sounds laid out in front of me front to back, side to side and top to bottom and instruments staying where they were placed on mixdown.”

Elysian Pre-amp & Elysian 100 Mono-blocks
HiFi +
“The CAAS trio is one of the most musically engaging and resolving amplification systems around. As a combo it is unusually even handed, revealing oodles of detail in a highly coherent fashion.”
“Excellent separation of voices and instruments, which makes it easy to hear right into the production, while an apparent absence of overhang or ringing means that timing is nigh on perfect.”
“These CAAS amps can really punch too, but do so with so little effort that it’s not fatiguing. Instead, the sound is tactile and shapely; acoustic bass notes in particular have a roundness and depth to them that’s beautiful.”
“You can also tell that this is a very quiet amplifier by the degree of resolution they provide for quieter, low level sounds. This is why you can hear so much, it’s not covering up the fine details with the noise floor. What you get is the reverberant and textural detail that is masked with lesser amplifiers.”

HiFi Statement
“The CAAS equipment operates on a musical level well above that of their price and thus represent an immensely enticing alternative to more established brands”
“If they came from the United States you would expect double or triple the price to be reasonable”
“In terms of dynamics, joy of playing and audio transparency there were no wishes unfulfilled”
Elysian 100 Mono-blocks
“They are able to dance through rhythmical passages with impeccable precision and instantaneous dynamic shifts, it’s truly outstanding actually.”
“Vocals are gloriously open and unrestrained, there is no grit or unevenness it’s just exceptional clarity and detail.”
“The stability, control and ability to attack and relax at any given interval is truly a stand out feature of the E100’s.”
“A reference quality amplifier.”
“… therefore will be the sites reference for this type of product going forward.”

Elysian Audio Server

HiFi Einsnull
“The chosen one”
“The Elysian Audio Server is really what high-end represents”
“The CAAS Elysian Audio Server more than deserves to be called ‘high-end’. Diversely applicable, it combines excellent workmanship with superior sound. This is how modern, outstanding HiFi looks.”